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Помогите пожалуйста! Нужно ответить на вопрос " Would you like to go on a Camp Active holiday?" , "Why/Why not?". Нужно cоставить 5 предложений на английcком. Помогите а то сам не могу справиться идей нет никаких.

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I would like to go on a Camp Active holiday. I think it is an interesting experience. I think that I will meet new friends and we will have good time. Also, there will be interesting sport competitions which will be good for my health. Moreover, I love nature. I am fond of spending time outdoors and that's why going on a Camp Active holiday is one of the best choices of spending my free time for me. Извиняюсь, если есть ошибки.

1 комментария:
Спасибо тебе большое