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1 Brendan has got a ..................... brother. 16 How ............................ some pizza? A double B twice C twin A like B many C about 2 It's my birthday .................... 5th August. 17 We go on a school .................... once a year A at B in C on A travel B journey C trip 3 The .................. is in the kitchen. 18 They often ............... camping at the weekend A bathtub B fridge C bookcase A do B play C go 4 There is ..................... food in the cupboard. 19 Chess and backgammon are both ............ games A any B a C some A table B bored C board 5 June is the ..................... month of the year. 20 We were afraid to swim in the ............... river A sixth B six C sixteen A polluted B deserted C clean 6 They usually go to school ....................... foot. 21 Did they ................... home early last night? A in B on C by A arrived B arrives C arrive 7 I can drive a car but I ..................... fly a plane. 22 I ......................... at the door but no one answered. A don't know B can't C can to A knocked B hit C rang 8 Wear your coat, scarf and gloves. It's .......... cold. 23 We met ten years............................ A freezing B boiling C pouring A gone B ago C past 9 Watch........ ! There's a motorbike coming. 24 Be quiet! You ............................ make noise. A up B out C over A mustn't B must C can 10 Do you ................... your teeth every day? 25 I'm not ....................... to go to the cinema tonight. A wash B brush C do A will B would C going 11 Does he ..................... history at school? 26 We had a nice picnic in the................. A teaches b teach C teaching A restaurant B stadium C park 12 John is very worried ....................... his son. 27 A lion is ............................ than an elephant. A at B about C of A smaller B smallest C small 13 Frank .................... his homework at the moment. 28 Jim does bodybuilding at the sports..................... A is making B is doing C does A place B room C centre 14 On Christmas Day, we all ....................... gifts. 29 What are the ............................. of the game? A transfer B exchange C change A laws B rules C guides 15 Let's watch the firework .......................... 30 You're on holiday. You ....................... wake up early. A display B show C programme A have to B needn't C mustn't

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1 Brendan hasgot a brother. 
 C twin 16 How somepizza? 
 C about 
2 It's my birthday 5th August. 
C on
17 We go on a school once a year 
 C trip 
3 The is in the kitchen. 
B fridge
18 They often camping at the weekend 
 C go 
4 There is food in the cupboard. 
C some
19 Chess and backgammon are both ............games 
C board 
5 June is the month of the year. 
A sixth
20 We were afraid to swim in the ............... river 
A polluted 
6 They usually go to school foot. 
B on
21 Did they ................... home early last night? 
C arrive 
7 I can drive a car but I fly a plane. 
B can't
 22 I at thedoor but no one answered. 
B hit
8 Wear your coat, scarf and gloves. It's .......... cold. 
A freezing
 23 We met tenyears............................ 
 B ago  
9 Watch........! There's a motorbike coming. 
 C over
 24 Be quiet!You make noise. 
A mustn't  
10 Do you your teeth every day? 
B brush  25 I'm not....................... to go to the cinema tonight. 
C going 
11 Does he history at school? 
A teaches
 26 We had anice picnic in the................. 
C park 
12 John is very worried his son. 
B about
27 A lion is than an elephant. 
A smaller
13 Frank .................... his homework at the moment. 
 B is doing
 28 Jim doesbodybuilding at the sports..................... 
C centre 
14 On Christmas Day, we all gifts. 
 B exchange  29 Whatare the of the game? 
B rules
15 Let's watch the firework 
A display
 30 You're on holiday. You....................... wake up early. 
 B needn't

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