Английский язык Архивный вопрос

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Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Indefinite, the Future Indefinite and the Future Perfect

1.He (be) here for two hours by the time you (come) back. 2.”It (be) very late.” – “They (be) back soon.”3. “There (be) no planes tonight.” – “Never mind, I (go) by train.” 4. You (be) angry if I (talk) to you about it? 5. By the time you (finish) cooking they (do) their work. 6. “I (be) afraid, my train (leave) by that time.” – “(not/worry), I (drive) you home.”7. I hope it (stop) snowing by tomorrow morning. 8.If you (think) it over you (see) I am right. 9. If you (not/take) a taxi, you (be) late. By the time you (get) to the theatre the first act (be) over and you (miss) the most interesting dialogues.

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