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Joanne Rowling ['rəʊlɪŋ] is a famous English writer who (be) born in England in 1965. When she (be) five or six years old, she (use) (tell) stories to her younger sister. Her stories (be) about heroic deeds which people usually not (do) in real life. Her favourite subject at school (be) English and later she (get) interested in languages. After school she (go) to University and (study) French as she (find) it very interesting. After graduating from University, she (work) for a few years as a secretary but she not (like) her job. At the age of twentysix she (move) to Portugal to teach English. She (teach) in the afternoons and evenings and in the mornings she (write) her books. Nobody (want) to publish her first two books, as publishers (say) that they (be) good for nothing. Her books (be) about a boy who was a wizard1 and (study) at the School of Witchcraft2.

Then she (decide) to move to Edinburgh, Scotland, as she wanted to be nearer to her sister. Finally, her first book “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” (publish) in the UK in 1997. A year later her second book (publish). In 1999 J. Rowling (become) an international literary sensation as her books (take) the three slots in the bestseller list for Children’s Literature. Since then J. Rowling (write) some more books about Harry Potter and she (say) that she not (be going to) stop.

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Was.was.used to tell.were.did(?).was.got(?)/became. went. studied. found. worked. liked. moved. teached(?). wrote. wanted. said. were. were. studied. decided. was published. was published. became. took. wrote. said. is not going to stop

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