Английский язык Архивный вопрос

9 мая на Английском сочинение с переводом
1 Утром мы смотрим парад
2 Затем едем на бессмертный полк
3 После полка мы идем в ресторан
4 И в заключении смотрим победный салют!

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             1.Today, may 9.I'm so happy about it . We sat on the sofa with the whole family and watch.                                                                                       2.Still quite a bit of time to wait and we'll go to the immortal regiment.Today I have a lot of fun.
              3.After the regiment we're going to the restaurant. Here not far away there is a good restaurant. We eat there sometimes. It is very tasty.Of course mom is better. We ordered different dishes.
4.So we came home. It was very fun.We turned on the TV and began to watch fireworks in honor of may 9.May 9 is the most important holiday of our country!

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