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Помогите пожалуйста ответить ? What do you think about taking doping in sport

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 Actually, I'm writing about the same topic in school right now. Personally, I feel that doping should not be allowed in sports -- the use of performance enhancing drugs is cheating, plain and simple. Here is a quote that I'm using in my paper... As the WADA Athlete’s Guide states, “The spirit of sport is the celebration of the human spirit, the body and the mind. Doping is contrary to the spirit of sport, erodes public confidence and jeopardizes the health and well being of athletes” Hope this helps you a bit. If you need more research information, just let me know and I'll be glad to provide some links, etc. Good luck with your essay!

2 комментария:
Thank you my friend!

If you want to be an athlete ,you must achieve target without doping

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