Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Составь предложения в будущем времени (парами-утвердительные и отрицательные,одно из тоже предложение) используй: tomorrow,next Sunday,next week,next year.(6 предложений-6 пар,всего 12 предложений должно быть) ПОМОГИТЕ даю 30 баллов! Заранее спасибо!

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Ann will have a birthday party on Saturday.They will go on a trip during their winter holiday.She'll go to the library tomorrow.He will play computer games in the evening.I will play chess tomorrow.You will do your homework.She will read a novel in the evening.He will clean the floor.We will draw a picture next Sunday.They will do it  tomorrow.Will you sing this song at the concert?Will they play football?Will Ann`s mother buy milk after work?

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