Найдите ошибки и исправьте их.
1. What time will the concert start?
2. The teacher asked Andrew to do the exercise twelve
3. It is something I want to tell you
4. There is little cheese in the fridge.
5. The doctor told my aunt to eat less tomatoes
6. There are hundred of stones in his collection.
7. How many tests have you had three days ago?
8. What do you want to say us?
9. She has lived in England last August
10. When has she said that?
Большое спасибо!
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1) What time is concert start ( не уверна )
2)The teacher asked Andrew to do the twelvth exersize
3) There is something I want to tell you
4) There is a little cheese in the fridge.
5) The doctor told my aunt to eat lessly tomatoes (тоже не уверена)
6) There are hundreds of stones
7) How many tests had you 3 days ago
8) What do you want to tell us или to say to us
9) She lived in England last August
10) When did she say that?
Нет комментариев
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