7 реальных и 7 нереальных предложений по английскому. Срочно. Заранее спасибо.
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7 реальных
Plants die if you don't water them
If you finish your work, we will go out
If the weather is sunny and bright, we will go to the country
If you study hard, you will get good grades
If you do exersices more, you will be healthier and stronger
If I see Kate, I will give her your message
If you drive more carefully, you won't hane an accident
7 нереальных
I wish she would come
I wish I would go to China
I wish I had a car
If I split coffee all over someone, I would exuce
If I found a gift in my room, I would be happy
If you asked me, I would help you with gardening
If I were you, I would go for a walk
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