Напишите типо интервью с вопросами и ответами по английскому языку

-Hello Diana/ Can i give your a few questions&
-Yes of course/
-Where did you born&
-I was born in the Ukraine in 1999/
-Youre a chemistry professor at Berlin university/ What qualities needs person to achieve a such high society level&
-Person must to work hard all the time/ Person needs study well and read many books. Foreign languages play an important role in achieving a success/
-Youare ukrainian how did you go abroad&
-I went abroadwhen i obtained a Masters degree/ I was a student which wone a Grant and moneys for my researches/
-Why do you like a chemistry&
-I like this science because its mystery and very interesting way to open many new materials for yourself/ It gives you opportunity ti experiment with many minerals and liquids/ Its like a magic and I feel like a sorcerer in this sphere/
-I hated equations and formulas at school/ But htere are many of them at chemistry/ Is accounting problem for you&
-No when you make researcher with real materials and mixtures you are easy in accounting difficult chemistry equations because yu understand whole research which you do personally/
-Ohh! And last my question/ Is money important in your career&
-I have changed my profession not for a money/ I like it and when i do it a feel happy/ When you do your work with love and interest you will give a money very quickly and unnoticeable/
-It was a very nice interview/ Youare a beautiful person which gives a great motivation for young scientist/ I wish you success in your profession/
--Thank you very much for your brilliant words!