Помогите написать по английскому для 7 класса доклад о какой-либо благотворительной организации
Harity is quite popular nowadays. People have become more open andkind-hearted. On the whole, charity means voluntary giving of help tothose who are in need. Charitable giving can include the act of givingmoney, goods, time, attention and kindness to the unfortunate. Mostforms of charity mean providing basic items of necessity, such as food,water, clothing, shelter, healthcare and else. There are so manycharitable organizations in the world today. They allow people to donateeither directly or online, through websites. Charitable organizationsalso include orphanages, food banks, religious institutes and hospitalsfor the poor. Donating things you don’t use anymore is one of the formsof charity. Not everyone is lucky enough to have lots of toys or warmclothes for winter. Sometimes people simply can’t find the job to earnenough money. Others are sick, disabled or elderly and can’t get aroundon their own. These are the cases when charity helps. If everyone madecharity a part of their life and helped those who are in need, the worldwould become a better place to live. Mother Teresa once said: “To trulygive charity, you must be free of selfishness!” And, it’s true. Theacts of charity come in many different forms. It you have ever helped toplant a garden or gave your jar of coins to someone who needs it morethan you, then you already know what charity is. However, true charitydoesn’t only mean giving out money and unwanted items to others. Truecharity starts with a kind word given by you to someone on a bad day,with a sincere smile and with love