Заполните пропуски в предложениях, употребив данные ниже слова в соответствующей форме.
cold, summer, to begin, to grow, to live, month, to work, crop, to plow, to like
1. Many different crops ... on the fields of our farm. 2. In ... the weather is hot. 3. What is the first winter ... ? 4. Farmers ... the soil in spring. 5. Where do your friends ... ? 6. My father does not ... , he is old. 7. I do not ... autumn. 8. Is it ... now? 9. Summer ... in June in this part of the counry. 10. We do not sow this ... in our region.
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1. grow 2. summer 3. month 4. plow 5. live 6. work 7. like 8.cold 9. begins 10. crop
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