Английский язык Архивный вопрос

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Taking a past history and family history.
Dr:Have you ever been sick before?
P: Yes, I has pneumonia.
Dr: Have you ever had scarlet ,fever, measles , whooping, cough,chicken-pox?
P: yes , I had all the childhood diseases.
Dr: and what about adult illnesses have you ever had jaundice , heart or kidney trouble ?
P: no , I have only had the ones. I just told you.
Dr: have your ever had any operation ?
P: Yes , I've had my appendix out.
Dr: did you ever break any bones?
P: I broke my leg in childhood.
Dr: are you parents alive ?
P: yes , the are quite well.
Dr: do you have brothers and sister ? Are they in good health ?
P: I have a sister and a brother . My brother is in good health and sister has diabetes.
Dr: are you married? Do you have any children?
P: oh , yes . I'm married. I have a son and a daughter and they seem to be all right ?

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