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Episode 3
2) Alice cries and cries, swimming in the pool of tears
3) 8 3 1 9 7 10 4 2 5 6
4) Alice feels lonely, because when she gets into a trouble there is nobody to help her
I think, they will find some shore and Alice will be looking for another way to get home
episode 4
2) Because after they were swimming, they are wet and should get dry. This race is strange because it is really strange and funny way to get dry.
3) 3,5 - Alice. 2,6 - the Dodo. 1 - Dinah. 4 - the Mouse
4) Alice was speaking about her cat who could catch mice and birds, so the animals were scared to be caught and eaten
Alice felt lonely again, because all scared animals ran away
Alice will find some new adventures and difficulties
Episode 5
2) Alice is going to grow again.
3) gloves, maid, house, big (or grown), window, chimney, stones, wood
4) White Rabbit, rudely
2. No, he is not. He speaks rudely with his employees
3. She understood when she eats those cakes she becomes smaller, she put them for some emergency case in future
4. She is going to find another way to get home or find the White Rabbit
Episode 6
2 f, t, f, t, f, t
3) Alice feels scared, because the Duchess looked bad and screamed a lot
2. the Duchess feels funny because she got the invitation to the queen palace to play croquet
3. No, she is not a good mother, because her baby was constantly crying and she couldn't calm it. And she also gave her child to the stranger (Alice) whom she saw just first time and started to prepare to the visit to the queen
4. Alice felt surprised, I think she would never have thought that a baby can turn to a pig
5. I think she is going to visit the queen's palace

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