Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Ответь на вопросы о своей классной комнате на англиский

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Рассказы о животныхТексты о СШАТексты о СМИAt schoolThis is our classroom. It is light, clean and large. The room isnice. Its ceiling and walls are white, its floor is brown. There is onedoor and three windows in it. When it is warm, they are open. When it iscold, they are shut. The door is always shut when we have our lessons.
Thereis a blackboard on the wall. We write on it. On the blackboard thereare some words. They are English words. We read them: "We want to knowEnglish."
We sit on chairs in front of desks. The desks are nice and green.
Theteacher's desk in near the blackboard. There are not many pupils in ourclass. There are only seventeen in it. Today fifteen pupils arepresent, two are absent.
We learn many subjects at school. They are:Russian, English, history, literature, mathematics, physics, chemistry,biology, geography and physical training (or PT).

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