Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в форме Past Simple или

Past Continuous.

1) He (come) in and (see) Nelly who (draw) a picture.

2) Nick and Fred (drive) along the road when the accident (happen).

3) When I (come) in, she (set) the table.

4) I (not hear) what he (say). I (type) at the moment.

5) When it (happen)? – It (happen) when you (talk) to your secretary.

6) I (sit) in my garden yesterday, when the servant (come) and (say) that a visitor (wait) for me

in the hall.

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1.came,saw,was drawing
2.was driving,happened
3.came,was setting
4.didn't hear,said,was typing
5.happened,happened,were talking
6.was sitting,came,said

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