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Сочинение-письмо "как проводят новый год в России" на английском языке

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New Year is a great holiday in our country. Everybody likes it verymuch. It is especially loved by little children. People do not go towork on that day, and children do not go to school. This holiday isconsidered to be a family holiday. It is usually celebrated at homeamong the members of the family.

People decorate their houses andusually have a fir-tree which stands in the corner of the room. Thosefir-trees are very beautiful. The presents are usually put under thesetrees. Our parents prepare to this holiday well. They buy a New Yeartree, decorate it, buy a lot of tasty food and drinks.

At twelveo’clock in the night people can see the president on TV which addressesthem with traditional words of congratulation. At this time people aresitting at the tables to their holiday dinner and enjoy it in a goodcompany. Young people usually organize a dance party and have a lot offun. Some of them go out into the streets and the squares. The next dayfriends usually come to wish a Happy New Year to all the members of thefamily.

The New Year of our life has begun. Everyone hopes it will really be happy.

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