Английский язык Архивный вопрос

20 баллов!!! Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Simple или Present Continuous. и перевод этого текста)Заранее большое спасибо)
It 1) is
(be) winter and the snow 2)_____ (fall). It usually 3) _____ (snow)
in January here. Betty and James 4) ______ (play) in the garden. They
5)_____ (build) a snowman and they 6) _____ (throw) snowballs. They
7) _____ (like) the snow very much! Their mother and father 8)
___________ (not/like) it. They always 9) ______ (stay) in the house
when it is cold. Mother usually 10) _______ (watch) TV and Father 11)
_______ (listen) to the radio or 12) _______(read) a book. At the
moment they 13)________ (sit) in the living-room. Mother 14) _______
(write) a letter and Father 15) ______ (read) a book.

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2) is falling
3) snows
4) are playing
5) are building
6) are throwing 
7) like
8) don't like
9) stay
10) watches
11) listens
12) reads
13) are sitting
14) is writing
15) is reading 

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It 1) is winter and the snow 2)is falling. It usually 3) snows
in January here. Betty and James 4) are playing in the garden. They
5)are building a snowman and they 6)are throwing snowballs. They
7) like the snow very much! Their mother and father 8)don't like it. They always 9)stay in the house when it is cold. Mother usually 10)watches TV and Father 11)listens to the radio or 12)reads a book. At the moment they 13)are sitting in the living-room. Mother 14)is writing a letter and Father 15)is reading a book.

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