Английский язык Архивный вопрос

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V. Put the verbs into passive voice
1) The letters (to write)…………………………………. by students.
2) The house (to build)……………………………… by workers last year.
3) The poems (to write)………………………… by Pushkin.
4) They (ask)…………………………… next year.
5) The computers (use)………………………….. by pupils every lesson.

III. Fill in the gaps with am\is\are
1) Detective stories ________ read around the world.
2) The post office ____________ closed on Sundays.
3) This holiday __________ celebrated.
4) The poems _________ learned
5) I _______ chosen as the President of the country.
6) I _______ given last chance by my parents.
7) We ________ taught playing basketball.

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1) are written 2) was built 3) were written 4) will be asked 5) are used
Второе задание:
1) are read 2) is closed 3) is celebrated 4) are learnt 5) I am  chosen 6) I am given 7) we are taught

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