Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Complete the sentences with the missing words
1) What do you write to the people you love ... St Valentine`s Day?
2) Jack London, an American writer, was born ... 1876.
3) Are you always at home ... New Year`s Eve?
4) ... June it is not very dark in St Petersburg ... night.
5) ... Thursday all the boys decided to meet ... the living room.
6) How many classes have you got ... Friday?
7) Let`s meet ... the afternoon. - Why? Let`s meet ... the evening.
8) That day ... four o`clock a strong wind was blowing.
9) We usually stay at home ... New Year`s Day.
10) Do you give your friends presents ... Easter?
11) ... midnight, when the clock struck twelve, there appeared Father Frost.
12) A lot of people go to church ... Christmas.

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