Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Помогите, пожалуйста! Срочно!!!
Choose the correct modal verbs.
1. He looked for the new job but he _____ find. a. can’t в . couldn’t c. mustn’t
2. The road is very slippery. You ____ drive carefully. a. can b. must c. should
3. I _____do nothing in this situation. a. can b. may c. must
4. Parents ______ teach children the difference between right and wrong. a. can b. must c. may
5. If you don’t feel well, you ______ take some medicine. a. can b. must c. should
6. It ___be true, I know she tells a lie. a. can’t b. mustn’t c. needn’t
7. Yesterday she _____ miss her exam because she was ill. a. could b. had to c. should
8. I think he ______ be more polite with sister. a. could b. had to c. should 9. You _____ use my phone if you like. a. must b. may c. need
10. You ___ come earlier today. We’ll start in time. a. could b. had to c. needn’t

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