Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Помогите, пожалуйста, поставить слова в скобках в активный или пассивный залог
1. -What gate number do we need?
-I don't know. Our flight (not announce) yet.
2. -Has he collected his luggage yet?
-No, because he hasn't got any. He never (travel) with huge suitcases. Usually all the things he needs (pack) in his rucksack. Very smart, isn't it?
3. OK, we'll arrange your visa, reserve the hotel, and buy the plane tickets. After that all the documents (deliver) to you by our courier.
4. I didn't know what to do. My luggage (lose) and I didn't know anybody in the city. I headed to the nearby hotel to find out whether they (have) a vacant room.

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1. hasn`t been announced
2. travels. are packing
3. will be delivered
4. was lost. had

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