Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Напиши письмо Филлу по англиский. ответь на его 3 вопроса.написать 80- 100 слов

do you have elderly neighbours,do you help them, what do you do for your neighbourhood

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Dear Phill,
Thanks a lot for your letter. I'm sorry I haven't answered earlier but I was really busy with my school.You asked me about our neighbourhood. Well,  we have elderly neighbours. I and my friends often help elderly and lonely people. We rake leaves , sweep the paths, clean the gardens and water flowers.Sometimes we do shopping for them. I think it is important. 
 Have you got grandparents? How do you care of them? How often do you visit them?
Well I'd better go now as I have to do my homework. Write back soon.
Love ,  Dasha

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