Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Indefinite.
1 You ( to go ) to the theatre last week.
2 Al ( to buy ) black shoes three days ago.
3 I ( to give ) a call to Sam five minutes ago.
4 Alice ( to knit ) a warm sweater last month.
5 He ( to get ) off the train a minute ago.
6 They ( to watch ) squirrels in the park last Sunday.
7 We ( to arrive ) in Moscow yesterday evening.
8 The children ( to learn ) by heart new nice poems last week.
9 Carol ( to catch ) the plane yesterday morning.

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1 went
2 bought
3 gave
4 knit
5 got
6 watched
7 arrived
8 learnt
9 caught

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1 went     2 bought   3 gave   4 knited   5 got  6 watched   7 arrived   8 learned 9 cought

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