Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks. Use the pronouns or their derivatives. some, any, no, every 1. You must ask ... to help you in this work. 2. If I have ... free time, I shall go ... tonight. 3. Did you hear ... about out plan? 4. Did you say ... ? - No, I said ... . 5. I have ... to tell him. much, many, more, less, (a) little, (a) few. 1. How ... English words do you know? 2. There are ... parks in our city. 3. Does he read ...? - It’s a pity but he reads too ... . Hurry up. We have ... time to waste. 5. Please, try to make ... noise. 6. Do you spend ... time on your English exercises?

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