Английский язык Архивный вопрос

. Make the following interrogative and negative. 1. John will be corning soon. 2. We shall be flying to Kemerovo at this time tomorrow. 3. You will be meeting him every day. 4. We shall be packing our things when you come. 5. He'll be going to school soon. 6. Jack will be looking for you all afternoon. 7. Mother will be cooking all day tomorrow. 8. We'll be walking among the New York skyscrapers this time tomorrow. 9. He'll be waiting for you. 10. They will be sending you invitations to dinner all summer.

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( Английский )1. John will be corning soon. 2. We shall be flying to Kemerovo at this time tomorrow. 3. You will be meeting him every day. 4. We shall be packing our things when you come. 5. He'll be going to school soon. 6. Jack will be looking for you all afternoon. 7. Mother will be cooking all day tomorrow. 8. We'll be walking among the New York skyscrapers this time tomorrow. 9. He'll be waiting for you. 10. They will be sending you invitations to dinner all summer. - ( Русский )1. John will be corning soon. 2. We shall be flying to Kemerovo at this time tomorrow. 3. You will be meeting him every day. 4. We shall be packing our things when you come. 5. He'll be going to school soon. 6. Jack will be looking for you all afternoon. 7. Mother will be cooking all day tomorrow. 8. We'll be walking among the New York skyscrapers this time tomorrow. 9. He'll be waiting for you. 10. They will be sending you invitations to dinner all summer. 

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