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Помогите написать реферат о United Kingdom на английском языке. Прошу!!! Срочно. Буду печатать. Реферат примерно листа 1-2. Спасибо!!!

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United Kingdom consistsfrom several countries which have certain cultural and language differences, - England,Scotland, North Ireland and Wales. Ireland, France, Belgium and Netherlands arecounted the nearest neighbors of United Kingdom. The common population is aboutsixty five million people. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. Thehead of  state  is The Queen Elizabeth the second. The leaderof government is premier-minister that is selected  through  election.The climate ofUnited Kingdom is humid and mild. There is warm and humid summers and softwinters. British rains are no more than a legend, on practice the rain thatlasts two or three hours is a big rarity. From time to time there are not anyrain for a few weeks in some regions especially on east side. But the overcast isa very frequent phenomenon. England is thelargest country of the United Kingdom. The population is 53 million people. Londonis the capital of  England and thelargest city of United Kingdom. It is the world economic and cultural center.  Population is more than 8 million people. Scotland islocated on the north part of Scotland Island. The capital is The Edinburg. Scotlandhas a very hard climate, perhaps because of it the population is only about 6million people. Scotland is famous by its landscapes of  mountains, picturesque lakes, national parks.The most famous lake is Loch Ness. If believe gossips there is the Loch Ness monster.There are unrepeatable cultural traditions in Scotland. Wales is thestate on east part of British island. The population is about 3000 people. Thiscountry is proud multiplicity of fests during the year – musical, theatricaland literary ones. The United Kingdomhas a rich history and culture. There are a lot of historical memorials on itsarea. For example the Stonehenge.  It’s anancient metallic construction that is very famous around the world.Interestingly that in that time there is nobody who knows for what thisconstruction was created. There is veryimpressive nature site of interest in North Ireland. It is the famous « The Roadof  Giants”.  There are about a 40000 columns of volcanicorigin which are staying very compactly.People of theUnited Kingdom are very polite, friendly and complacent. The most of Brits are verytalkative. The good sense of humor is characteristic feature of all country.The Brits are very proud and patriotic people. Anybody who doesn’t  respect British lifestyle and habits will be set on firmly, despite of The Britscriticize their own country more than other nations. British cuisinehas variety of  traditional dishes. Forinstance “Fish and Chips” –roasted and squashed fish (usually a cod or a haddock)with chips, large sliced pieces of the whole potato. Ordering this dish is thebest way to start an acquaintance with British cuisine. One of the most popularrestaurants in Britain is Indian one. You can find it in every city and town.British cuisine is consisted the most from import groceries and a menu  of the cheapest pubs will be included pluralityof international dishes. Although themultiplicity of different cheeses are produced in Britain, the population notvery much proud of it, like their neighbors in France. Well known examples arevarieties of  The Cheddar (it was calledin honor of  Cheddar canyon in Somerset), The Lancashire ( which is may beeither  fat or crumbly) and The Cheshire.The quality of these cheeses can be different and depends on place of buy, so,perhaps the best place for it – the local market.The Britain is veryexpensive country even for Brits. A high cost of everything, from food andhousing to price on transport. Living in the London and in area of south eastof country will cost in 3 times more expensive than in any other region. The UnitedKingdom has been the center of education for one thousand years. It has  plenty of  famous universities. The most knownuniversities are Oxford and Cambridge. They haven’t  came down in the world,  are keeping their highest level and arecounted as a measurement standard. There are also several world class institutions.  

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